Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Euro 2016 Illustrative Posters - Background Pattern Development

Joe sent me the below drawing of the football. He made sure that the individual panels on the ball were visible so I had some more shapes to work with.

I wanted to try and create something that looked dynamic to match the style of Joe's drawings. Using Photoshop I separated the individual panels and expanded them in concentric circles to try and get a similar looking visual to exploded diagrams.

This sort of aesthetic implies movement because it forces you to imagine how the final product would look when all the individual pieces were moved into their correct places, this made it a relevant inspiration. I found that it looked even more dynamic when I rotated each circle to try and suggest that the ball is spinning. My editing of Joe's drawing looked like this.

Joe sent it me on a navy background because he wanted to try a more intense colour scheme, sending me this as his quick mock-up.

The addition of all the colour detracted from the main illustration too much. Joe agreed with me when I showed him how my editing of the ball would fit in the background.

We both agreed that it worked well on a white background, but some colour needed to be added that could be changed from poster to poster depending on which country would be represented on the poster.

I showed Joe how this would look and we were both happy with how it works, although Joe wanted to keep the pattern down to just one colour on each of them to keep it simple.

As well as making this adjustment, we also found that they worked better with a slightly off-white background as it brought out the white in the shirts a bit more and looked less plain. The remaining 3 posters in the series will match the style used below.

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