Freya decided that she wanted to run with backs that had a full-colour pattern one them, while I still liked the ones with the full logo image by itself most because I felt they were the most striking and visually eye-catching, so we persisted with these two. She wanted her logo to be bigger on the back and either central or on the left - I found that with the logo being circular it lends itself to being placed centrally rather than in a corner. I used the font Quiksand because of how similar it is to Gotham, a modern font which shows relevance, but it's slightly more rounded, making it compliment the circular logo well, as well as looking more elegant and feminine that Helvetica.

Freya like the bottom left design, but wanted to see it in a range of patterns. We sat down and discussed which patterns to use, as they needed to showcase a range of her skills whilst not varying too greatly from the colour scheme of the logo. We chose the below 4 because of their similar colour scheme and the variance in pattern between the 4 of them.

Freya was really happy with these, apart from the second row, which she wanted the size of the pattern increasing to lower the dominance of the black lines. After correcting this for her we discussed stock and came to the conclusion that we'd order some samples from G.F Smith at 350gsm to print them on because that weight is sturdy enough to us as business cards. Having both experienced alignment issues with digital print before, I made sure to include a bleed, resulting in us only being able to print 16 at a time rather than 20. This is a good trade-off in my opinion though.
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