To get around this I took the files into Adobe Illustrator and used the High Fidelity filter setting on the live trace tool to get a vector version of the illustration that's identical to the one Joe produced apart from tiny negligible difference in the hair of the players. This allowed me to blow up the image to work on A3.
Noting down the various measurements and font sizes in the original InDesign file allowed me to create a new file at A3 size where everything was positioned in exactly the same position relative to everything else - this was done by doubling every measurement and font size I'd written down. I'd already made sure the club badges and sponsorship logos were already in vector form so this wasn't a problem.

The posters will be double-sided, one side showing the front cover, the other showing the back, meaning the part of the image that spans the spine is lost - but as the front and back won't be seen next to each other this isn't a problem.

Having adjusted the layouts to make each cover 4mm wider I printed a black and white test copy to check the new dimensions, they wrapped around the existing programmes perfectly as shown below.

A friend of mine recently went to a Manchester United game and brought me back the programme from the game. I find it interesting that the displayed the players names in order of their position as opposed to their numeric order - something which adds an extra level of information to to the programme.

I applied the gaps in the player list to our covers and found they really helped to break up the big blocks of text. Aligning everything centrally really distorted the positioning of the team name and badge though.
I then tried the programme the same as it was before but with just the gaps in the squad lists, and whilst it did break up the text it looked odd. Joe and I discussed it and agreed it looked better as it was.
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